Use of this website www.efkacompany.gr (henceforth and for brevity reasons the “Website” of the company under the name “ETAIREIA AXIOPOIISIS AKINITIS PERIOUSIAS ILEKTRONIKOU ETHNIKOU FOREA KOINONIKIS ASFALISIS (e-EFKA) MONOPROSOPI A.E.” (henceforth and

for brevity reasons the “Company”), is subject to the present terms of use detailed below, which each visitor to the above Website must read carefully and proceed to the Website visit and of these subpages only provided that he/she fully accepts them.

These terms of use may be revised and updated at any time and without notice. Please check the terms of use of the Website periodically, as its continual use entails your acceptance of such changes.

In case of disagreement, the user is requested not to use the Website.


Intellectual Property Rights


All the Website content, apart from the expressly mentioned exceptions (third- party copyright), which – indicatively and not restrictively – includes information, texts, graphics, images or software, photos, designs, videos, sounds, etc. (hereinafter content) contained in The Company’s Website is the intellectual property of the Company and is protected by applicable law. The Company retains all copyright with respect to the content and the copies created based on it. Any act of reproduction, distribution, modification or use for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of the Company is prohibited. The content of this Website is available to its visitors/users for personal use only. Any other use requires express written permission of the owner or copyright holder. The other products or services mentioned on the online pages of this Website and bearing the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner bodies, associations or publications, constitute their own intellectual and industrial property and, therefore, these bodies bear the relevant responsibility.


The use of trademarks and logos contained in its Website is prohibited without the written permission of the Company.

The visitors’ access to the Company’s Website confirms that they have adequately and completely understood what is mentioned above as well as that they fully agree with these terms.

These terms of use cover all of personal data and information as well as the conditions for the collection, processing and management of the personal data of the users of the Company’s Website. In no case does this hereby cover the relationship between the users of the Website and any services that are not subject to the control of the Company. Each user is obliged to declare his/her true and complete information and to inform the Website, for any change, by providing the required information in order for them to be complete, true and up-to-date.


Limitation of Liability – Disclaimer


The Company takes all reasonable and appropriate measures so that the data and information contained in its Website are complete, accurate and reliable.

The Company does not guarantee the correctness, completeness, accuracy and reliability of the above data and information and is not liable to visitors or third parties for any damage due to their incorrect or inaccurate nature.

The content of this Website is available “as is” and the Company is also not responsible, for any direct or indirect, positive or cumulative damage of its Website visitors, which is due to illegal acts of third parties (e.g. interception or decryption of codes and data), to the spread of viruses (viruses) during the use of the Website or reproduction (download) of elements of its content or to problems that may occur during the use of computers (e.g. loss of data, etc.). It is also not responsible in the event that the operation of the Website is interrupted, as well as in the event that it becomes difficult for users to access it for any reason.


The Company reserves the right to modify its Website, to add, modify and/or remove any element and/or information included therein without any warning, as well as to discontinue its operation. It also reserves the right to modify these terms at any time.

Also, the Company is not responsible, even for negligence, for any form of damage suffered by the Website visitor from the services and contents contained therein, in which he expressly acknowledges that he proceeds on his own initiative and with the knowledge of the terms herein.

Applicable Law and Other Terms


The above terms and conditions of use, as well as any modification or change thereof, are governed by Greek law. Any provision of the above terms that is found to be contrary to the above legal framework or becomes invalid, automatically ceases to be valid and is removed from this, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms.

It is hereby expressly agreed that any disputes arising from the application of these terms and the general use of the Website by the visitor or user thereof, if not resolved amicably, shall be governed by Greek law and subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens.

For any communication with the administrator of the Website, please contact us at the email address p.laskos@laskoslaw.gr